
Rules & regulation in Agrasen Saraswati Vidya Mandir

  1.  Students must come in time in proper uniforms as determined by the school. The school management will take strict action against those who are found irregular in their uniform.
  2.  Students should complete their home works on time The guardians should encourage them by providing every short of guidance to them.
  3.  The parent/s guardians should be needful to the information sent by the school. They should put their respective signatures in the given diary regularly.
  4.  At least 75% attendance is essential for every student in the session. below these criteria he / she will not be permitted to sit for the annual examination.
  5.  In case of negligence in doing work or any indisciplinary activities, the student will not be allowed to attend the class and may be suspended from the school.
  6.  For any emergent leave / long leave, the students must put up an application with recommendation of parents.
  7.  There is a recess period in all working days particularly for refreshment. Every student should bring eatable for himself / herself.
  8.  The name of pupil will be struck off in case of absence for continued one month of non-payment of fee for two months. Re-admission Rs. 100/- will be levied.
  9.  In case of loss of fees book Rs. 50/- will be charges for a new one.
  10.  School leaving certificate will be issued when an application is given by the parents or guardians. After two days he / she will get school leaving certificate.
  11.  Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones, pagers, digital camera or any other electronic gadgets in the school. Disciplinary action will be taken if they do so.
  12.  All children must attend school regularly and punctually in neat and tidy uniform.
  13.  Child, suffering form contagious of infectious diseases, will not be permitted to attend the school.
  14.  Anyone using unfair means in examination will be dealt with severity as per norms at the school management.
  15.  Parents and guardians are expected to be consistent and co-operative with the school management.
  16.  Act of indiscipline, insubordination, interference in the administration, disrespect to any teacher or non-teaching staff, disrespect to any religion or community by students will not be tolarated.
  17.  Parents and guardians are requested to make proper arrangements to collect the students after the school hours. Though proper care in taken to ensure their safety of the students, the school cannot be held responsible in the students leave the school campus on their accord. Gate pass must to enter in the school campus.
  18.  Parents and guardians are requested to attend the meeting of school as per schedule.